Friday, December 8, 2006

An old fave of mine...

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This was a design for a band t-shirt. If you know me you know the band and you know why I offered to do this. If you don't know me personally, I won't tell you the band name but I will tell you their bassist was this really cool young woman I had a major crush on.

I would've settled for being mere friends but in the end she wasn't particularly interested in even that, and that's cool. Some people are going to be into you and some are not and you can't let it bother you when you don't click on any level.

But damn she was awesome.

I'm less embarrassed by my schoolboy crush on her than I am by the really bad coloring job I did on it after the fact. I wish I still had the original so I could rework it using some of Art Lozzi's color ideas and the stuff John K's been preaching about.

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